Register here to become an Employer
Once registered you will be able to access the page to view all profiles of Caregivers.
We understand how important it is to find a suitable and qualified caregiver for your specific needs. This platform has been designed to assist you in finding the perfect caregiver to meet your needs. All Survival® caregivers have completed our accredited caregiver training course as well as completed the minimum required 168 hours of practical experience.
On this platform you are able to search for a caregiver, not only based on their skills and abilities but also other important criteria such as language, shift preference, location etc. We pride ourselves on offering you a resource to find the best caregiver for your situation!
In order to have full access to view the Caregiver Profiles on our platform, please start the necessary steps to register on our platform. Registration is charged at a minimal administration  fee of R250.
*It must be noted that we are not an employment agency and therefore we leave all contracts, agreements and logistics between you and the caregiver.